Put back the names Greenfield Park and Saint-Hubert on our signs

Brian Peddar

#101 I need Saint-Hubert citizens to attend the January 19th council meeting with me...

2016-01-04 17:24

#97: -  


On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).




Brian Peddar

Brian Peddar

#102 Re: Présentation de la pétition pour remettre les noms de Saint-Hubert et Greenfield Park....

2016-01-04 17:27

#88: -  

 **Je besoin des citoyens de l'arrondissement de Saint-Hubert de m'accompagner au réunion***

On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).




Brian Peddar

Brian Peddar

#103 Re: I need Greenfield Park and Saint-Hubert citizens to accompany me to present petition....

2016-01-04 17:31

#60: -  


On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).




Brian Peddar

Brian Peddar

#104 Re: Would you be willing to accompany me to the presentation of the petition?

2016-01-04 17:33

#75: -  


On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).




Brian Peddar

Brian Peddar

#105 Re: Can you accompany me to the meeting to present the petition?

2016-01-04 17:35

#6: -  


On Jan.19th, 2016, I will present the petition requesting that the City of Longueuil put back the names of Saint-Hubert and Greenfield Park on our public signs where they have been removed  at Longueuil City Council during question period.

To date, we have about 1400 signatures including electronic and paper versions.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support.



Together we have more power and impact

For a greater impact, I am recruiting citizens who would be willing to go to the meeting  but also some citizens who would be willing to go up to the microphone to ask a strategic question or make a comment in relation to how this city is erasing our visual identity. 


If you are willing to come to the meeting and-or if you would be willing to be one of the 15 plus people who will be going up to the microphone to speak, kindly contact me at:    by text or phone :  438-931-9950   or by facebook (Brian Peddar in Saint-Hubert) or by email :   peddaratvideotron.ca     (at = the email symbol which this site does not allow me to use on this page)

Kindly leave your name and email address and-or phone number where I can reach you. 


Thank you,


Brian Peddar


***Date of the Petition Presentation at Council***: Tues. Jan.19,2016


Council session starts at: 19h00 - 7 pm


Time when you can register yourself to be allowed to ask question during question period: 18 h 20 - 6:20 pm


Location of Council Meeting : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec) (Military base and Saint-Hubert airport are both beside the town hall).




Brian Peddar



2016-01-04 17:58

I lived there for 42 years since the day I was born and we only moved away because of a job transfer That town is precious to me and so are all the years and memories and it is a crying shame and a totally unnecessary thing to do. Shame on them.



2016-01-04 20:28

Replacing the borough signs is like loosing ones identity. Just like we have different provinces and territories that make Canada a great country, we are proud to be in the city of Longueuil but our roots are in our boroughs and we want to keep our legacy.



2016-01-05 17:19

Cause St-hubert is not Longueuil
Brossard folks are what they are
Boucherville is boucherville
Should I explain more about it?
Hope you're getting it



2016-01-05 18:35

It's time we all wake up and put this place back on the map as the beautiful welcoming province it once was,we have become the laughing stock of not only the rest of Canada but the world.



2016-01-07 00:15

When someone asks me where do you live? I say Greenfield Park....not Longueuil. I lived in Longueuil over 40 years ago. Longueuil is Longueuil. Greenfield Park is Greenfield Park.



2016-01-07 17:30

I take great pride in being a Greenfield Park resident and it is sad to see the mayor of Longueuil working so hard towards eroding our official bilingual status and eliminate any sense of identity left.



2016-01-07 21:43

I have been a resident of GFPK, St-Hubert and Brossard, for 40+ years. I find it terrible that of all the South Shore Burrows, they are putting the City with the worst reputation on all signs.
Longueuil has a reputation of being full of drug dealers and scum. Don't think it is true try driving through Longueuil around 1 in the morning, chances are you will get pulled over several times in a week, for some bullcrap reason (really they are looking for drug dealers). I have been told you were pulled over because you looked lost, because we were sure you were drunk, because i was driving to slow. (what the hell is that I'm doing 50 in a 50 zone, What should I be speeding would you have then not pulled me over?) Try the same in GFPK St-Hubert, you will go weeks without getting pulled over.



2016-01-08 04:10

Moi j'ai vécu sur le boulevard Édouard coin grande allée toute ma jeunesse et ma famille a d'abord vécu dans Ce quon appelait" MACKAYVILLE " devenu (lafleche ) et par la suite ST HUBERT et j'aimerais pouvoir dire à mes petits enfants un jour que la d'où il viennent,ou leur parents on vécu c'était la ville de ST HUBERT et non "l'agglomération de Longueuil pour perdre de vue nos petite école et nos parc municipal et pouvoir faire en sorte qu'il puissent faire la différence entre LONGUEUIL ET ST Hubert ,ville lemoyne,Green field park ou ST Lambert!!!! Merci de partager!!!
Brian Peddar pour Saint-Hubert

#114 Re: J'ai besoin quelqu'un de la secteur Mackayville à Saint-Hubert.

2016-01-08 21:27

#113: -  

 Bonjour.  Merci pour votre courriel: 


Pour votre information:

Le 19 janvier 2016, je vais présenter la pétition pour remettre les noms de Saint-Hubert et Greenfield Park sur les affichages dans les lieux publics des arrondissements dans la ville de Longueuil.

Avec les signatures sur papier- site internet, nous avons presque 1500 signatures.

***Impact collectif**** : Ensemble nous avons le pouvoir.

Pour un meilleur impact, j’ai besoin de l’aide des citoyens pour aller au microphone pendant la période des questions pour demander une question reliée à la pétition. À ce moment, j'ai 2 citoyens de Saint-Hubert et 3 citoyens de Greenfield Park qui vont aller au microphone pour parler de l'importance de la patrimoine de nos arrondissements (nos quartiers).  J'ai besoin quelqu'un de la secteur de Lafleche, Saint-Hubert.  Si vous voulez être un de nos personnes qui va demander une question ou exprimer une commentaire pour appuyer notre démarche pour remettre le nom Saint-Hubert, svp appelez ou texter moi à 438-931-9950 ou par facebook (Brian Peddar qui habite à Saint-Hubert). Svp Laissez votre nom, numéro téléphone et/ou adresse courriel.

S'il vous plaît partager cette information avec vos amis ou membres des familles.  Nous avons la besoin des citoyens au conseil le 19th. 


Brian Peddar

***Date de la présentation de la pétition***: Mardi 19 janvier 2016

Commence de la session du conseil : 19h00

Heure pour inscrire votre question et assurez votre présence sur la liste des questions : 18 h 15

Endroit : 4250, chemin de la Savane Saint-Hubert, Longueuil(Quebec)



2016-02-01 16:33

to preserve the city for future generations and to protect those and us who now live here.